
Summer Update

We've had a fun summer in the Wheelwright family. We've gone on a couple of fun trips, one to Bear Lake and another to Lava Hot Springs, Idaho. Here are a few pics of those outings for those interested. My favorite is Nat's first day of pre-school. Can you tell she dressed herself?


City Creek Park

Jeff and I finally had family pictures taken. Luckily, Charlie was nice enough to take our pictures, not to mention, he did an awesome job. Here are a few of the cute ones. I really liked the second one when we were lying on the ground.

October Fun!

Birthday Time

I decided to try my hand again at cake making. This time I made a fish cake for my nephew's 2nd birthday. I think it turned out pretty good.

If you can't tell, it's a fish.
(I got comments ranging from a pumpkin to a robot.)

David was ready for the "Happy Birthday" song to be over so he could blow out the candles.

Recycling OR Just Making A Mess?

Natalie looked so cute as she was determined to empty the recycling basket. Luckily, Jeff was on the ball and grabbed the camera to take pictures.

First Time to the Zoo

Jeff took the day off of work and took the family to the Zoo. I don't think I have been to the Zoo since 9th grade. But big improvements have occured since then and I was quite impressed, especially with all the cute new baby animals

Me trying to get Natalie excited about the Elephants

Jeff and Charlie next to the new baby giraffe

A few of our favorite pictures of the animals

Halloween Costumes

For Halloween, Natalie was a cute "Midnight Bat". Jeff and I didn't want her to be a princess or fairy, which seems to be the costume of choice since everywhere we went this seemed to be the only choice. Maybe we just went to the wrong places. =)

Natalie was not going to smile for the camera, so this is the best we could do.

This is Natalie and her cousin Avery. Avery was a cowgirl. Avery's Mom made the entire costume, which turned out super cute.


A Birthday for Natalie

Wow, I have a one year old. I can't believe it. Natalie turned one yesterday but we threw a party for her last Saturday. Here is my little birthday girl.

Natalie enjoying her party.

I also decided to try my hand at making a cake. I think the cake turned out really well. Not only cute, but good too. =)

Natalie trying to decide if she should dive right in or stay clean!! After a while she decided she liked the icing best. (Just like mom!)


The Parowan Airport Fly-In

Every year we go and see Grandma Morris in Parowan and attend the Parowan Airport Fly-in. You didn't know Parowan had an airport? Well, yes it does...one hanger and all. It's fun to see all the small planes and have an all-you-can-eat breakfast. Here are a few pictures:
Nat enjoying her first round of pancakes. The pancakes were huge!!

Here Jeff just told a really funny joke and Nat found it hilarious. =)

Grandma, Jeff and Natalie

We also went up past Brian Head ski resort and visited Cedar Breaks. I had never been there before and we also wanted to get away from the heat of Parowan. I didn't realize we were so close to such beauty. The elevation was crazy too, 10,500 feet. These pictures just doesn't give the full effect, but I thought I would try.

This is how Nat enjoyed the pretty views. She was exhausted from the big breakfast.



Okay, so many have asked that I update my blog more frequently than I do but life is crazy and it might not happen so you will all just have to do with my sporadic updates for now!! =)

Here are some cute pictures of Natalie and some of her first time experiences.

Natalie's first experience reading a magazine. I don't think she particularly likes this one, all she wanted to do was rip the pages out. =)

Natalie's first time to the temple. It just so happens its the Boise, Idaho temple. She wasn't as smiley as she usually is, probably because it was nap time.

Natalie's first time to Bear lake and touching the beach with her bare feet. Later she particularly liked eating the sand, it drove me crazy that she wanted to eat the sand time and time again.

Finally, some cute pictures of my smiley Nat!!


Birthdays Come And Go!

Birthdays use to be so much fun. I use to anticipate my birthday for weeks. Well, this year my birthday came and went so quickly that I barely had time to savor it. I'm actually more excited for Nat's birthday and her birthday doesn't even come until September.

I guess its true what they say, everything becomes more fun when you have kids. Someone told me yesterday that I would start anticipating my own birthday again when Natalie is older and starts making it fun again!! While that sounds fun, I'm definitely not in a hurry to get there. I'm just enjoying the little cutie that she is now. =)

In speaking of Natalie, we are starting her on solids and wow that is alot harder than I thought. I think more of food comes out of her mouth than stays in. But I can't complain, as long as she continues to sleep 9-10 hours a night, I'll be patient with the solid food thing.

I'll post a picture of Nat soon, I can't find the cord for the camera to hook it up to the computer.